IMA Student Leadership Conference

The IMA hosts annual conferences in the fall specifically geared towards developing the capabilities of our leaders of our profession's leaders of tomorrow--students!  These attendees who will bond across a multi-day event are the future of our profession.  After a couple years of being relegated to participating on a computer screen due to health precautions, normal life has resumed to immersing participants with the full experience. 

Our chapter offers scholarships to student members who are interested in attending.  The most recent conference was hosted October 20-22 in Pittsburgh.  One of our 2022 scholarship recipients shared photos of the event below and briefly recapped his experience.

"I also want to show my appreciation, the trip was amazing, and I learned a lot while there"
--David G., Metro State Student Chapter Member



Check out a short video montage of the event here

Keep an eye out for future opportunities to attend the annual fall IMA Student Leadership Conference.  Our chapter is here to help you participate.  This is a memorable experience and will hopefully be a milestone event in what will be a very successful career.

IMA SLC 2023 Detroit