Pictured from left to right:
Willy, Bhavesh, Rudy, Dave, Trent, Lianne, Andrew, Ashley, Heath, Shari & James
Gwen Van Berne (IMA Chair) & Steve McNally (IMA Chair-Emeritus) are at the forefront
This was a picture aboard the 100th anniversary boat cruise while going through the Mississippi River locks

Pictured from left to right:
Dave, Heath, Lianne, Ashley, James, Shari, Trent & Bhavesh
Unable to attend this CPE event:
Andrew, Rudy & Willy (they are pictured in add'l board photos below)

Pictured from left to right:
Willy, Bhavesh, Trent, Shari, James, Heath, Andrew and Ashley
Thank you for serving our members and the greater Accounting & Finance profession as a whole!