Chapter Board

Chapter Board of Officers 2024-2025

 Position  Name
 President  Lianne Loeks Munson, CMA, CSCA
 Vice President of Communications  Ashley Davis, CMA, CSCA, FPA
 Vice President of Engagement   James Powers, CMA
 Past President  Trent Kramer, CMA, CPA, CSCA
 Treasurer  Todd Stenson, CPA
 Director of Education  Andrew Galas, MBA
 Director of CMA & Student Engagement  David Franz, CMA
 Secretary   Willy Arevalo, CMA
 Chapter Delegate  Warda James-Hester, CMA, CPA
 Director of Events  Ryan Chase CMA, CSCA


If you are interested in learning more about an open board role, send us an email to

Meet Our Board Members

Pictured from left to right:

Willy, Bhavesh, Rudy, Dave, Trent, Lianne, Andrew, Ashley, Heath, Shari & James

Gwen Van Berne (IMA Chair) & Steve McNally (IMA Chair-Emeritus) are at the forefront

This was a picture aboard the 100th anniversary boat cruise while going through the Mississippi River locks

IMA Board Photo 9-29-22

     Pictured from left to right:
     Dave, Heath, Lianne, Ashley, James, Shari, Trent & Bhavesh

     Unable to attend this CPE event:
     Andrew, Rudy & Willy (they are pictured in add'l board photos below)

Board Photo 10-27-22

Pictured from left to right:
Willy, Bhavesh, Trent, Shari, James, Heath, Andrew and Ashley

Thank you for serving our members and the greater Accounting & Finance profession as a whole!